AWSTATS DATA FILE 7.8 (build 20200416) # If you remove this file, all statistics for date 202408 will be lost/reset. # Last config file used to build this data file was /home/bookingcabs/tmp/awstats/ # Position (offset in bytes) in this file for beginning of each section for # direct I/O access. If you made changes somewhere in this file, you should # also remove completely the MAP section (AWStats will rewrite it at next # update). BEGIN_MAP 28 POS_GENERAL 2019 POS_TIME 2690 POS_VISITOR 8204 POS_DAY 11059 POS_DOMAIN 3218 POS_LOGIN 3547 POS_ROBOT 3702 POS_WORMS 4022 POS_EMAILSENDER 4153 POS_EMAILRECEIVER 4296 POS_SESSION 11534 POS_SIDER 11691 POS_FILETYPES 4431 POS_DOWNLOADS 4533 POS_OS 4581 POS_BROWSER 4762 POS_SCREENSIZE 5242 POS_UNKNOWNREFERER 5316 POS_UNKNOWNREFERERBROWSER 6150 POS_ORIGIN 6689 POS_SEREFERRALS 6823 POS_PAGEREFS 6967 POS_SEARCHWORDS 7115 POS_KEYWORDS 7267 POS_MISC 2354 POS_ERRORS 7326 POS_CLUSTER 3403 POS_SIDER_404 7421 END_MAP # LastLine = Date of last record processed - Last record line number in last log - Last record offset in last log - Last record signature value # FirstTime = Date of first visit for history file # LastTime = Date of last visit for history file # LastUpdate = Date of last update - Nb of parsed records - Nb of parsed old records - Nb of parsed new records - Nb of parsed corrupted - Nb of parsed dropped # TotalVisits = Number of visits # TotalUnique = Number of unique visitors # MonthHostsKnown = Number of hosts known # MonthHostsUnKnown = Number of hosts unknown BEGIN_GENERAL 8 LastLine 20240903235252 1 0 9020843854203 FirstTime 20240802013641 LastTime 20240831142743 LastUpdate 20240904173928 1 0 0 0 0 TotalVisits 85 TotalUnique 76 MonthHostsKnown 0 MonthHostsUnknown 76 END_GENERAL # Misc ID - Pages - Hits - Bandwidth BEGIN_MISC 10 TotalMisc 0 0 0 AddToFavourites 0 0 0 RealPlayerSupport 0 0 0 WindowsMediaPlayerSupport 0 0 0 DirectorSupport 0 0 0 PDFSupport 0 0 0 JavaEnabled 0 0 0 FlashSupport 0 0 0 QuickTimeSupport 0 0 0 JavascriptDisabled 0 0 0 END_MISC # Hour - Pages - Hits - Bandwidth - Not viewed Pages - Not viewed Hits - Not viewed Bandwidth BEGIN_TIME 24 0 1 1 21 4 5 63 1 5 5 105 0 0 0 2 6 6 105 4 4 21 3 3 3 63 0 0 0 4 7 7 147 1 3 0 5 7 7 126 0 2 0 6 1 1 21 0 1 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 8 8 147 0 3 0 9 21 21 1273 18 18 305 10 11 11 210 2 7 42 11 13 13 252 3 4 42 12 4 4 84 0 4 0 13 15 15 315 0 12 0 14 7 7 147 2 6 0 15 0 0 0 1 1 21 16 6 6 126 0 2 0 17 0 0 0 1 1 21 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 1 1 21 2 3 0 20 1 1 21 0 1 0 21 5 5 105 3 3 0 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 2 2 21 END_TIME # Domain - Pages - Hits - Bandwidth # The 25 first Pages must be first (order not required for others) BEGIN_DOMAIN 10 us 52 52 1491 cn 17 17 357 ua 14 14 294 ca 11 11 231 gb 9 9 234 be 7 7 126 ru 4 4 84 in 4 4 256 zz 2 2 174 jp 2 2 42 END_DOMAIN # Cluster ID - Pages - Hits - Bandwidth BEGIN_CLUSTER 0 END_CLUSTER # Login - Pages - Hits - Bandwidth - Last visit # The 10 first Pages must be first (order not required for others) BEGIN_LOGIN 0 END_LOGIN # Robot ID - Hits - Bandwidth - Last visit - Hits on robots.txt # The 25 first Hits must be first (order not required for others) BEGIN_ROBOT 5 no_user_agent 8 168 20240818114151 0 survey 3 21 20240831022620 0 bot[\s_+:,\.\;\/\\-] 2 42 20240822005658 0 Go\-http\-client/ 2 42 20240831152154 0 archive\.org_bot 1 21 20240813174836 0 END_ROBOT # Worm ID - Hits - Bandwidth - Last visit # The 5 first Hits must be first (order not required for others) BEGIN_WORMS 0 END_WORMS # EMail - Hits - Bandwidth - Last visit # The 20 first Hits must be first (order not required for others) BEGIN_EMAILSENDER 0 END_EMAILSENDER # EMail - Hits - Bandwidth - Last visit # The 20 first hits must be first (order not required for others) BEGIN_EMAILRECEIVER 0 END_EMAILRECEIVER # Files type - Hits - Bandwidth - Bandwidth without compression - Bandwidth after compression BEGIN_FILETYPES 2 Unknown 14 1126 0 0 html 108 2163 0 0 END_FILETYPES # Downloads - Hits - Bandwidth BEGIN_DOWNLOADS 0 END_DOWNLOADS # OS ID - Hits BEGIN_OS ID - Hits - Pages 8 win10 40 40 macosx15 8 8 Unknown 46 46 linux 5 5 androidmarshmallow 1 1 androidkitkat 6 6 ios_iphone 2 2 win7 14 14 END_OS # Browser ID - Hits - Pages BEGIN_BROWSER 21 chrome52.0.1744.98 1 1 chrome74.0.3729.169 3 3 mozilla 19 19 chrome79.0.3945.79 1 1 chrome117.0.5938.132 7 7 chrome92.0.4515.159 1 1 chrome83.0.4103.97 4 4 edge12 8 8 safari17.2 2 2 chrome124.0.0.0 1 1 chrome80.0.3987.149 6 6 chrome83.0.4103.61 1 1 chrome128.0.0.0 4 4 android 6 6 Unknown 27 27 chrome121.0.0.0 1 1 chrome106.0.0.0 3 3 chrome126.0.0.0 7 7 chrome96.0.4664.110 4 4 chrome49.0.2623.112 13 13 chrome63.0.3239.132 3 3 END_BROWSER # Screen size - Hits BEGIN_SCREENSIZE 0 END_SCREENSIZE # Unknown referer OS - Last visit date BEGIN_UNKNOWNREFERER 9 Mozilla/5.0_(compatible;_InternetMeasurement/1.0;__ 20240809012640 Python/3.12_aiohttp/3.9.5 20240820020400 Mozilla/5.0_(compatible;_CensysInspect/1.1;__ 20240822053518 Mozilla/5.0_(compatible;_Let's_Encrypt_validation_server;__ 20240807095022 python-requests/2.27.1 20240822130641 Cpanel-HTTP-Client/1.0 20240807095017 Expanse,_a_Palo_Alto_Networks_company,_searches_across_the_global_IPv4_space_multiple_times_per_day_to_identify_customers'_presences_on_the_Internet._If_you_would_like_to_be_excluded_from_our_scans,_please_send_IP_addresses/ 20240821164223 python-requests/2.31.0 20240821215958 \ 20240823110905 END_UNKNOWNREFERER # Unknown referer Browser - Last visit date BEGIN_UNKNOWNREFERERBROWSER 6 python-requests/2.27.1 20240822130641 \ 20240823110905 Expanse,_a_Palo_Alto_Networks_company,_searches_across_the_global_IPv4_space_multiple_times_per_day_to_identify_customers'_presences_on_the_Internet._If_you_would_like_to_be_excluded_from_our_scans,_please_send_IP_addresses/ 20240821164223 Python/3.12_aiohttp/3.9.5 20240820020400 python-requests/2.31.0 20240821215958 Cpanel-HTTP-Client/1.0 20240807095017 END_UNKNOWNREFERERBROWSER # Origin - Pages - Hits BEGIN_ORIGIN 6 From0 122 122 From1 0 0 From2 0 0 From3 0 0 From4 0 0 From5 0 0 END_ORIGIN # Search engine referers ID - Pages - Hits BEGIN_SEREFERRALS 0 END_SEREFERRALS # External page referers - Pages - Hits # The 25 first Pages must be first (order not required for others) BEGIN_PAGEREFS 0 END_PAGEREFS # Search keyphrases - Number of search # The 10 first number of search must be first (order not required for others) BEGIN_SEARCHWORDS 0 END_SEARCHWORDS # Search keywords - Number of search # The 25 first number of search must be first (order not required for others) BEGIN_KEYWORDS 0 END_KEYWORDS # Errors - Hits - Bandwidth BEGIN_ERRORS 2 404 29 0 301 1 242 END_ERRORS # URL with 404 errors - Hits - Last URL referrer BEGIN_SIDER_404 18 /wp-admin/setup-config.php 1 - /v2/_catalog 1 - /server-status 1 - /wordpress/wp-admin/setup-config.php 1 - /robots.txt 3 - /ecp/Current/exporttool/ 1 - /.vscode/sftp.json 1 - /telescope/requests 1 - /login.action 1 - /debug/default/view 1 - /_all_dbs 1 - /.git/config 2 - /config.json 1 - /.DS_Store 1 - /.env 8 - /s/733323e20363e2834323e2330313/_/ 1 - /vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Util/PHP/eval-stdin.php 2 - /about 1 - END_SIDER_404 # Host - Pages - Hits - Bandwidth - Last visit date - [Start date of last visit] - [Last page of last visit] # [Start date of last visit] and [Last page of last visit] are saved only if session is not finished # The 25 first Hits must be first (order not required for others) BEGIN_VISITOR 76 12 12 252 20240821215958 6 6 126 20240823111016 5 5 84 20240815082239 5 5 84 20240815102203 5 5 84 20240811051129 5 5 84 20240810115605 4 4 84 20240816024807 4 4 256 20240807095017 2 2 42 20240830210744 2 2 42 20240823110905 2 2 42 20240807100051 2 2 174 20240807095022 2 2 42 20240807095223 2 2 42 20240822130641 2 2 174 20240807095022 2 2 42 20240827043136 1 1 21 20240828093832 1 1 21 20240821164223 1 1 21 20240815142156 1 1 21 20240819134514 1 1 21 20240812080247 1 1 21 20240816030801 1 1 21 20240828163654 1 1 21 20240819134130 1 1 21 20240816051925 1 1 21 20240807082905 1 1 87 20240807095020 1 1 21 20240810132242 1 1 21 20240805122332 1 1 87 20240807095021 1 1 21 20240824100517 1 1 21 20240831142743 1 1 21 20240802013641 1 1 21 20240807100327 1 1 21 20240810193736 1 1 21 20240805123828 1 1 87 20240807095019 1 1 21 20240819134436 1 1 21 20240807143627 1 1 21 20240819134257 1 1 21 20240819134235 1 1 21 20240809012640 1 1 21 20240816103553 1 1 0 20240820020400 1 1 21 20240816023913 1 1 21 20240807095215 1 1 21 20240807100045 1 1 21 20240802164609 1 1 21 20240809003840 1 1 21 20240828163652 1 1 21 20240824100612 1 1 87 20240807095021 1 1 21 20240819134355 1 1 21 20240807095939 1 1 21 20240828163653 1 1 21 20240819134424 1 1 21 20240819134328 1 1 21 20240822053518 1 1 21 20240826134611 1 1 21 20240819134130 1 1 21 20240807143629 1 1 21 20240807143629 1 1 21 20240803082823 1 1 21 20240819134244 1 1 21 20240812063615 1 1 21 20240803042543 1 1 21 20240821200300 1 1 21 20240828093549 1 1 87 20240807095020 1 1 87 20240807095021 1 1 21 20240819134423 1 1 21 20240815145502 1 1 21 20240817123448 1 1 21 20240828163651 1 1 21 20240823111017 1 1 21 20240827043127 END_VISITOR # Date - Pages - Hits - Bandwidth - Visits BEGIN_DAY 22 20240802 5 5 105 5 20240803 2 2 42 2 20240805 3 3 63 3 20240807 26 26 1378 20 20240809 2 2 42 2 20240810 11 11 210 4 20240811 5 5 84 1 20240812 2 2 42 2 20240815 12 12 210 4 20240816 10 10 210 6 20240817 1 1 21 1 20240819 11 11 231 11 20240820 1 1 0 1 20240821 10 10 210 4 20240822 3 3 63 2 20240823 4 4 84 3 20240824 2 2 42 2 20240826 1 1 21 1 20240827 2 2 42 2 20240828 6 6 126 6 20240830 2 2 42 2 20240831 1 1 21 1 END_DAY # Session range - Number of visits BEGIN_SESSION 2 2mn-5mn 2 0s-30s 83 END_SESSION # URL - Pages - Bandwidth - Entry - Exit # The 25 first Pages must be first (order not required for others) BEGIN_SIDER 7 / 108 2163 76 76 /.well-known/acme-challenge/GfhI3D_QceSeM0PZEhER1oSG-VnBSvP4Ayh8ieEI7tY 5 435 5 3 /.well-known/acme-challenge/Z9pjU3qym0iEHLtk2APIf4YGdGXbiWe19MO0a6qv1QM 5 435 3 5 /.well-known/acme-challenge/TTCHUV2AIJ1DEE8WNM67-EMKYBXD4PY6 1 64 0 0 /.well-known/acme-challenge/PN4FDT0J_-P5ND2ZICTPD5XYOQN-N-1K 1 64 1 0 /.well-known/acme-challenge/W-NU_22WGXH5UB4U7B8ZG9C6C3CTNGYZ 1 64 0 1 /.well-known/acme-challenge/UZVCHWCC2_T-LU_6-ZL1SOY1_XWKTNU- 1 64 0 0 END_SIDER